The way in which we live our lives is changing due to the current state of the world. The term social distancing is one of the highest trending topics outside of the pandemic itself.  During this time, we are all in this together and having a healthy mind and body are key.  

The concept of holistic health and well-being includes multiple dimensions of Mind, Body and Spirit. All dimensions are integrated into one whole. If one dimension is deficient, the whole will not be complete. We can achieve a sense of well-being and happiness when Mind, Body and Spirit are in harmony. 

The Keys to Natural Beauty and Good Vibes

• Mother Nature - Nourish your unique hair and skin with the gifts of the earth! Good diet and good health behaviors are important to beautiful and healthy hair and skin. Consuming fresh fruits, herbs, and veggies that are high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals will bring a healthy glow to skin.  You already know Tree Naturals' products are perfect for your daily regimen.  

• Perfect your Regimen - Take a look at our Curl Prep Blog Post and start your regimen today.  We want you to come out of this with your healthiest hair.  Our "at-home" hairstyle of choice are twists! 

• Respect The Sun - The warm rays of the sun are enticing when you've been cooped up, and in fact, recent research has suggested that moderate exposure to the sun is beneficial. But the UV rays of the sun are known to damage skin. Do enjoy the sun, but be mindful of your exposure.

• Breathe Fresh Air - Breathing clean, fresh air will help you to avoid premature aging and will bring a healthy glow to skin and can help lift your mood.

• Love & Respect - It is important to love and respect yourself and to love and respect others as well. It will be impossible to have inner peace and harmony without self-love and love of our neighbor. Practice random acts of kindness - both for yourself and others.

• Keep Moving - Regular daily exercise is good for mind, body and spirit! It helps our bodies, including our scalp and skin, to function properly. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to premature aging. Exercise helps to keep blood flowing and muscles toned.  It will increase your energy level and bring a healthy glow to your skin, while helping your hair grow.  Some tips when you're stuck at home is to get up and take 15 minute walks inside, perform squats whenever you use the restroom and yoga or stretching.

• Self Care - Life is unpredictable right now and can take a toll on your mental.  Take at least a few moments each day for yourself. This can be meditation, prayer, writing in your journal or deep conditioning your hair. For years we've known that stress - or more accurately, the way we handle stress - contributes to illness and disease.  

• Stay Positive - Surround yourself with positive energy as much as possible. A good support system with people that can be trusted is important. Music can be inspirational and soothing. Allow your mind to tell you good things and avoid negative “self-talk."  Allow yourself to believe the positive things about yourself and your situation. Spending time in nature can bring balance to mind, body and soul. 

• Enjoy and Share Gifts of the Earth - Pamper yourself and others with holistic health and beauty care products. Through time, the ancient wisdom of all cultures has relied on Nature for health and beauty. Tree Naturals combines this ancient wisdom with modern science to ensure our products are both innovative and as natural as can be just as Mother Nature intended.

Did you find these tips helpful?  What are you doing to care for yourself and others during this time of crisis? 

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