Curl Resource Lounge

A resource library for curly hair queens!

8 Simple Ways to Repair Damaged Hair – And What You Can Do Now

Most ladies will agree that healthy and vibrant hair is a source of radiance and confidence, while lifeless, dry and brittle hair often has the exact opposite effect, especially when a queen’s crown is her hair.  Some of the causes of damage to hair include...

Revealed: Why Washing Your Hair Makes You Glow

But before heading out, I would like to share this with you. Have you ever noticed that your skin looks great, right after washing your hair?  No, it's not your mind playing tricks on you.


The way in which we live our lives is changing due to the current state of the world.  The term social distancing is one of the highest trending topics outside of the pandemic itself.  

We Care About our Planet

At Tree Naturals, we are committed to becoming more sustainable as we continue to grow.  Mother Earth is our home and we promise to do our part in protecting it, our people and the animals.  We believe that small steps do add up and turn into big ones.

Black History Month Matters: Supporting Black-Owned Indie Brands

Since many of the mainstream, high-end beauty brands constantly overlook the kinky-haired black and brown woman from their product range, there are tons of reasons why we should support these black culture centered brands and include Tree Naturals hair products to your beauty collection this season!

LCO Method, The Easiest Way to Moisturize Natural Hair

You’ve probably heard people talking about the LCO Method. But there’s so much buzz that it’s hard to separate the truth from the hype. That’s why I want to share with you my honest review about this moisturizing hair method and how to easily do it in the comfort of your home. 

The Bundle that Makes your Hair Grow?

Grow Your Hair in 3 Easy Steps That’s right! Tree Naturals Tree-O Bundle contains 3 power-house products created specifically for natural hair growth. And trust me, I’ve struggled with dry, color-damaged hair that just wouldn’t grow so I said enough is enough. I knew it was time to make something of value that I could share with you!

No Shave November

Oh yes we did. Growing a Longer, Thicker Beard Has Finally Been Made Easy With Zen Beard Balm.

Introducing Tree Naturals Botanical Flax Seed Gel

You've waited long enough.  Our Botanical Flax Seed Gel is finally here!

Mercury In Retrograde: All You’ll Need to Know to Keep Your Curls Intact

The past couple weeks have been … interesting to say the least.  One of my close girlfriends decided to color her own hair and it was a disaster!  Another friend got into a steamy argument with her co-worker and personally I’ve been struggling to keep my energy levels up and attitude in check!  So, it got me to thinking.  What if?  No, it can’t be…or could it? Keep reading…


Hmmmm, so that got me to can we apply this idea of meal prep to our hair?  To help you better understand what this process could look like, keep reading.